SGR va recomandă articolul săptămânii:  CERCUL DE GEOGRAFIE. DIRECȚII ȘI PERSPECTIVE


prof. dr. Marius-Florin MARCU
Liceul Tehnologic „D. Dumitrescu”, Buftea


Abstract. Geographic education has taken several stages since its establishment by the great
scholar Simion Mehedinti and until now. Since it was introduced into the national curriculum,
it has undergone several transformations that have focused on content, objectives, skills and
hours allocated. The main form of organizing the activity of transmitting geographic knowledge
is the lesson, sometimes channeled strictly on the program’s dilation, becoming uninteresting
for the pupils, that is why we consider that in support of the didactic activity, the teacher and
other factors involved in the instructive-educational to other methods and ways of conducting
geographic education. The Circle of Geography is an alternative to attracting students to this
discipline, but not necessarily in the context of achieving performance simply to stimulate
interest in knowledge, which will be reflected in later adult attitudes and personality.

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