SGR va recomanda articolul saptamanii: NATURĂ ȘI CIVILIZAȚIE PE COSTA DORADA
Leliana BENEA
Liceul Tehnologic Administrativ și de Servicii „Victor Slăvescu” Ploiești,
Str. Teleajen, Nr. 11, Județul Prahova, România
Abstract: Nature and civilization along Costa Dorada. Costa Dorada (Daurada in Catalan) cover 216 kilometers of the mediteranean littoral of Spain. It is well-known both for the beautiful landscapes and the antique and medieval historical monuments. The Roman heritage has made Tarragona part of the UNESCO World Heritage, Salou is the most appreciated resort, and Cambrils has the most impressive mediteranean styled buildings. Reus is a typical catalan town, its buildings wearing the mark of time, but Barcelona is a must and the most.
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