SGR va recomanda articolul saptamanii: VALEA DUNĂRII ROMÂNEŞTI ÎN SECTORUL CORABIA ZIMNICEA. Contribuţii asupra evoluţiei socioeconomice în perioada postcomunistă
Autori: Laura Lepădatu, Institutul de Geografie al Academiei Române
Abstract: In Romania, the transformations during the transition and post-transition period towards market economy have generated various dynamics in terms of socio-economic
development, being highlighted by the demographic trends (population aging, rural-urban migration), economic downturn (deindustrialization, agricultural decline), unemployment, etc. The present paper addresses social risk issues in the Lower Danube, Corabia – Zimnicea Sector focusing on unemployment and poverty dynamics over the last 25 years in the study area. Based on data exploration techniques of related indicators and indices (e.g. unemployment rate, aging index), the study describes the main influencing factors of the analyzed social risks, such as changing land use management, lower living standards, increasing unemployment, migration, etc. Likewise, emphasize is given to rural population evolution and rural development issues in relation to agricultural work force and agricultural economy.
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